As Gerald Duff, NewSouth author of Coasters, prepares for the release of his new short story collection, Fire Ants, we’re pleased to note a number of his short stories that have been accepted to leading national literary magazines. Additionally, as Duff reports, his work has recently been discussed in three scholarly studies. Rosemary J. Coombe in The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties: Authorship, Appropriation, and the Law (Duke University Press) considers Duff‚Äôs novel That‚Äôs All Right, Mama (1995) in her analysis of ‚Äúauthorship and the fictional use of celebrity images.‚Äù Gregory L. Reece discusses the same novel in his Elvis Religion: The Cult of the King (St. Martin‚Äôs Press) in a chapter titled “Elvis in Fiction: Memphis Messiah, Jumpsuit Jesus.” Duff‚Äôs first novel, Indian Giver (1983), is discussed by Donald L. Deardorff in his Sports: A Reference Guide and Critical Commentary, 1980-1999 (Greenwood Press) as a fictional treatment of Native Americans and the game of basketball.
Gerald Duff’s story “Charm City,” published in Fall 2002 by StorySouth, can be found at their website. Southern Hum magazine offers Duff’s story “Believing in Memphis,” which will appear in Fire Ants. And the Kenyon Review will soon publish “The Way a Blind Man Tracks Light,” which editor David Lynn calls “terrific, haunting, and rare.”
Coasters is available directly from NewSouth Books,, or your favorite local or online book retailer. Fire Ants is forthcoming from NewSouth Books.