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Charlotte Observer Spotlights Grievances at Novello Festival

The Charlotte Observer featured¬†Grievances¬†author Mark Ethridge’s October 25 appearance at the Novello Festival of Reading in a Local Page article. As the Observer notes, Ethridge explained to the audience at the festival that Grievances is based on a true story of racial injustice from the 1970s. The article notes that, though the novel is a work of fiction, it is ‚Äúfull of details [Ethridge] absorbed as a third-generation reporter.‚Äù From the article:

Published by NewSouth Books,¬†“Grievances” came out earlier this year. At ImaginOn: The Joe & Joan Martin Center, Ethridge said his goal was to create a page-turner that took readers inside a newsroom. He said that at one point during the writing, his friend and fellow author, Doug Marlette, gave him a list of story-telling tips: Adverbs are not your friend. A narrator can’t know what he doesn’t know. And: “The world’s supply of semicolons is limited and not very many were allocated to me.”

Read the full article at the Charlotte Observer.

Grievances is now available from NewSouth Books,, or your favorite local or online book retailer.