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World War II Veteran Jim Harrell Honored on Memorial Day by Alvin Benn

February Mission has been reviewed by Alvin Benn of The Montgomery Advertiser, who calls author Jim Harrell ‚Äúa brave Alabamian who took part in one of the deadliest bombing missions of World War II.”

February Mission is the stunning collection of poems and plays that revolve around the life experiences of author and poet Jim Harrell. The poem for which the book is titled vividly portrays the bombing of Dresden, a mission Harrell will never forget. Throughout Harrell’s life, he has used poetry and writing as an outlet for the memories of his past.

Jim is adament about sharing his talents with others and urging young people to write as well. Benn praises Harrell for his generous donation to Alabama schools and his ardent promotion of literacy through reading, stating that he ‚Äúhas donated more than 1,000 books so far” through his book donation program, and also sponsored the James Harrell Poetry Scholarship Award. ‚ÄúHe‚Äôs been giving copies of his latest book to libraries across the state, along with a book about the final days of the Civil War and an anthology of verse by Alabama’s poet laureates.”

From the article:

Harrell was a waist gunner on a B-17 Flying Fortress during the raid and writes about it in [the poem] “February Mission.”

It’s not long and it’s in verse form, but it’s apparent the mission became a seminal moment in the life of a man who has used poetry to express himself since his school days in the little Marengo County community of Thomaston.

Published by NewSouth Books, February Mission contains a collection of poems and plays written by Harrell, who, in the past few months, has endeared himself to students and teachers across Alabama.

Cancer slowly is killing him, but his mind remains clear and positive even if his body is fading. He says his doctors give him about a year to live.

Poetry has a lot to do with keeping Harrell active. It has carried him through more than a few rough spots during his 83 years and it’s helping him now as his time begins to wane.

His poems contain personal reflections, his views on life, growing up in Alabama and much more, but it’s a day in February 1945 that became the cornerstone of his work.

Read the full article in The Montgomery Advertiser.

February Mission is available now from NewSouth Books,, or your favorite online or local book retailers.