Author and translator Steven Ford Brown will speak on his work editing the poetry of John Beecher in NewSouth Books’ One More River to Cross, at the American Threads: Forms and Reform North and South conference, February 5-6, 2009 at the Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier III, France. The conference aims to examine the link between the writing of Harriet Beecher-Stowe and John Beecher, tracing how these authors have been both included and excluded from the canon. For more information or to submit a 300-word proposal, contact Guillaume Tanguy ( and Vincent Dussol ( by September 30th 2008, along with a short biographical note.
Also at the university, Brown will speak with the American Culture Department on American rock ‘n roll, focusing on Brown’s current book Punks Among the Brahamin: History of Boston Folk and Rock & Roll Music, 1950-1985.
Brown has also accepted a position with the online journal Poetry International, working on U.S., Latin American and Spanish poets, including Jorge Carrrera Andra, who’s poetry Brown translated in the collection Century of the Death of the Rose. Brown will also give a Assumption College on Jorge Carrera Andrade and South American Poetry in April.
In addition, an interview with Brown, conducted by Professor Juan Carlos Grijalva, is forthcoming in a Mexico City literary journal. In the interview, Brown discusses Carrera Andrade, South American poetry, Mexican poetry (including Octavio Paz) and Brown’s own projects.
Century of the Death of the Rose and One More River to Cross are both available from NewSouth Books, or your favorite local or online book retailer.