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The New Orleans Times-Picayune calls American Crisis Essential Reading

Book editor Susan Larson has reviewed American Crisis, Southern Solutions, the collection of Southern political essays edited by NewSouth author Anthony Dunbar. Larson favorably compares American Crisis and it’s predecessor Where We Stand: Voices of Southern Dissent to the Agrarian anthology of the 1930s “I’ll Take My Stand.” She praises the essayists and Dunbar for creating a collection that “shows the ways in which the South can offer solutions to national dilemmas.”

From the review:

The list of topics goes on — environmental racism, immigration, voting problems for African-Americans, the lack of a governmental green agenda. These writers strike a progressive, positive, yet warning note.

In this election year, “American Crisis, Southern Solutions” is essential reading. Tick off a problem — religion and government, the war in Iraq, the erosion of civil rights — and this volume addresses it in a thoughtful way.

Read the full article from the Times-Picayune.

American Crisis, Southern Solutions: From Where We Stand, Promise and Peril is available from NewSouth Books,, or your favorite online and local booksellers.