Publishers Weekly recognized NewSouth Books’ tenth anniversary this week in a feature article by Rachel Deahl, noting that despite the tough publishing climate, NewSouth is “quietly thriving.”
With all the exciting things going on at NewSouth Books — the release of Rheta Grimsley Johnson’s new memoir Enchanted Evening Barbie and the Second Coming, and great titles on the way like Wade Hall’s Interview with Abraham Lincoln, Ted Dunagan’s Secret of the Satilfa, and David Rigsbee’s The Red Tower: New and Selected Poems — we’ve barely had time to stop and celebrate the ten year mark. But as Publishers Weekly notes, evidence of this landmark can be seen in NewSouth’s increasing larger print runs and stronger submissions, and in events like NewSouth publishing the Alabama Big Read edition of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in conjunction with the National Endowment of the Arts.
“Every book we publish has to count,” NewSouth publisher Suzanne La Rosa told Publishers Weekly. “Our feeling is, if every book sells where we think it will … this company will be viable.â€
“And NewSouth,” Publishers Weekly notes, “is certainly viable.”
Read the full article at the Publishers Weekly website.