The Mobile Press-Register recently reviewed Glen Browder’s The South’s New Racial Politics: Inside the Race Game of Southern History, praising his efforts in presenting his original thesis about how blacks and whites in today’s South engage in a politics that is qualitatively different from the past.
Both a political scientist and former politician, Browder argues in The South’s New Racial Politics that politicians of the two races now practice an open, sophisticated, biracial game that, arguably, means progress; but it also can bring out old-fashioned, cynical, and racist Southern ways.
“Browder’s book is not light reading, but his insights as a political scientist and an elected official are worth the reader’s effort,” said Michael Thomason of the Mobile Press-Register. “If you have to read it twice to really understand him, as I did, you will be glad you went to the trouble!”
Read the full review at the Mobile Press-Register.
The New York Times recently quoted Browder in an article surrounding Alabama democratic gubernatorial hopeful Artur Davis’s efforts to create an Obama style coalition campaign of black and white supporters in his bid to become the first black governor of Alabama.
“He’s taking a bold and risky gamble with an eye toward the general election, trying to establish himself as a new-style candidate, who is not the black candidate for the Alabama governorship,” Browder said. “The course he is taking is a roll of the dice.”
Read the full New York Times article.
Glen Browder is also the author of the NewSouth published Stealth Reconstruction: An Untold Story of Racial Politics in Recent Southern History, in which he discusses the fascinating story of the unheroic, quiet, practical, biracial work of some white politicians and black leaders during the post-civil rights movement era.
The South’s New Racial Politics and Stealth Reconstruction are available from NewSouth Books,, or your favorite local or online retailer.