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Rare Titanic author Julie Williams ponders sailing Clive Palmer’s Titanic II

A tempting vacation or tempting fate? That’s the debate about Australian billionaire Clive Palmer’s plans to build a new Titanic, replicating the original, to sail in 2016.

USA Today spoke about the new Titanic with Julie Williams, author of A Rare Titanic Family, which chronicles the experiences of her uncle and his family on the doomed ship. Williams’s uncle Albert Caldwell, his wife Sylvia, and their ten-month-old son Alden were in the minority of families to survive the sinking of the Titanic with all family members intact.

Williams believed Caldwell would have approved of the Titanic II.

“He would have loved to have seen it,” Williams told USA Today for their article “Billionaire unveils new ‘Titanic II’ cruise ship design.” “He would have found a new ship intriguing. He always wanted to see the Titanic again.”

Read more about the Caldwells’ experience on the Titanic in A Rare Titanic Family: The Caldwells’ Story of Survival, as well as in the ebook Women of the Titanic Disaster, a first-hand account of the sinking of the Titanic by Sylvia Caldwell.