Valerie Gribben, author of a popular work of young adult fiction called Fairytale, published by NewSouth Books when Gribben was just 16 (and newly expanded into the Fairytale Trilogy), shows a mature side of her storytelling skills in an op-ed piece that appears in today’s Wall Street Journal.
Now a pediatrics resident at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University, Dr. Gribben describes the role she sees the smartphone coming to play in the medical diagnosis and treatment of childhood illness. Her own smartphone, she says, “is stocked with complex pediatric dosing, advanced life-support algorithms for optimal resuscitation and specialized textbooks for late-night reading . . . . But the simple camera phone is epochal in that it puts the power—literally—into the hands of patients.” Ever thoughtful about how she can improve the quality of care for her patients, Dr. Gribben advocates for the new technology on their behalf.
Read “Take Two Photos and Call Me in the Morning” at the Wall Street Journal website.