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Texas Institute of Letters spotlights Rod Davis’s thriller South, America

South, America by Rod DavisThe prestigious Texas Institute of Letters (TIL) has good words to say in its April/May/June newsletter about NewSouth Books author Rod Davis. His new thriller South, America, which has been described as “a triumph of Southern noir,” is finding strong reviews in a number of publications from the Southern Literary Review to the Dallas Morning News to the Austin Chronicle. Check out all the reviews at the links, or find them at Rod Davis’s official website.

You can also catch Rod and author Tom Zigal as part of the Malvern Books program “Hard Side of the Big Easy: Crime Noir and Katrina,” available for your viewing pleasure on YouTube.

Here’s what the TIL newsletter says about Rod and South, America:

Rod Davis, our very prolific and relatively new member (as of 2013), has published a mystery thriller, South, America (please note the important comma). The hero is a former Dallas television weekend anchor living in New Orleans. Rod’s first book, a non-fiction effort entitled American Voudou, was published by Fran Vick when she headed the University of North Texas Press. You can see an ecstatic review of South, America, in the Dallas Morning News. You will remember Rod as editor of the Texas Observer, not to mention other things.”

Rod Davis’s South, America is available in paperback and ebook from NewSouth Books, Amazon, or your favorite bookstore.