Some books end up mentioned in the local newspaper. Others make it to Publishers Weekly or Kirkus Reviews. Alan Gribben’s Mark Twain’s Literary Resources has accomplished all of the above, and more! Dr. Gribben’s new book—an exploration of the library and literary opinions of the “un-read” Mark Twain—has received praise from or been featured in:
- Publishers Weekly
- The Guardian
- Smithsonian Magazine
- Medium
- University of Texas’s Ransom Center Magazine
- Washington Independent Review of Books
Mark Twain’s Literary Resources is setting the literary canon on fire and disproving Twain’s own assertion that he was a most unliterary man. Gribben proves that Twain read and read voraciously. Some of his favorites included Shakespeare, Robert Browning, The French Revolution, Morte D’Arthur, The Arabian Nights, and Life of Samuel Johnson. That’s right, America’s most celebrated author was an Anglophile when it came to the written word. Dr. Gribben has spent 45 years chasing down and cataloging books known to have been in Twain’s personal library; poring over letters to discern Twain’s true opinions; and searching Twain’s infamous marginalia for snarky comments. Early readers had the following to say about the first volume:
“Mark Twain’s Literary Resources lets readers cozy up to Mark Twain and peep over his shoulder as he reads: a rare and rewarding vantage point.”— Kevin J. Hayes, author of Mark Twain, a brief critical biography
“Mark Twain’s Literary Resources: A Reconstruction of His Library and Reading will prove to be the standard reference guide on the topic for the next many decades. These volumes belong in all research libraries and on the shelves of all nineteenth-century Americanists.” — Gary Scharnhorst, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English, University of New Mexico
“Alan Gribben’s critical masterpiece, Mark Twain’s Literary Resources: A Reconstruction of His Library and Reading, asserts itself as one of a handful of truly invaluable resources in Mark Twain studies. This work is the definitive study of the literary, philosophical, historical, and scientific texts that shaped Mark Twain’s mind and art.” — Joseph Csicsila, Professor, Eastern Michigan University, and coauthor of Heretical Fictions: Religion in the Literature of Mark Twain
With two more volumes left to go, now is your chance to purchase Mark Twain’s Literary Resources and get inside the mind of the world’s greatest satirist.