We are pleased to announce that NewSouth author and multiple Georgia Author of the Year Award winner Ted Dunagan has won the 2013 Augusta Literary Festival Yerby Award for Fiction for his young adult novel, Trouble on the Tombigbee. The Yerby Award is named for pioneering African American novelist Frank Yerby, author of The Foxes of Harrow, The Golden Hawk, and The Saracen Blade. The award was presented on March 2, 2013 to Mr. Dunagan by Gerald Yerby, the nephew of Frank Yerby, in what Mr. Dunagan describes as “one of highlights of his life as a writer,” adding “to have my work associated with Frank Yerby, a writer who left such a great body of timeless and classic work, is an honor.” We extend our hearty congratulations to Ted Dunagan as he adds the first annual Yerby Award to the impressive list of his literary accomplishments.