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NewSouth Releases Victory After the Fall, Florida Civil Rights Memoir

NewSouth is proud to announce the release of Victory After the Fall: Memories of a Civil Rights Activist by Rev. H. K. Matthews, with J. Michael Butler. Matthews is one of the unsung heroes of the Southern civil rights movement, having participated in the first sit-in demonstrations in northwest Florida, and having led a campaign against the use of Confederate symbols at an area high school. And in the course of his activism, Matthews served time in state prison for a crime that never occurred …

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NPR Names Shlemiel Crooks Recommended Holiday Book

Noted children’s book reviewer Daniel Pinkwater called NewSouth’s Shlemiel Crooks “a hilarious book” during NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday on December 16, 2006. In a conversation with NPR’s Scott Simon, Pinkwater included Shlemiel Crooks as one of only seven of his recommended 2006 holiday books. Listen to the full segment at

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Junebug Books Releases Thrilling Longleaf Mystery

Junebug Books is pleased to announce the release of Longleaf by Roger Reid. Longleaf tells the story of fourteen year-old Jason Caldwell and his forest-smart friend Leah as they try to survive a harrowing night in the Conecuh National Forest. Filled with factual information about the Alabama ecosystem, Longleaf is both an important learning tool and an exciting young adult adventure. And for taking Longleaf on those deep nature hikes, Longleaf has been simultaneously released in Adobe Reader ebook format

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Grievances Author Shares Story from the Road

Author Mark Ethridge offers some notes from the road while he’s been touring with his new book, Grievances: “For several months I’ve been on a tour for my novel, Grievances, which came out in May. I was excited getting into it but I figured that by now–roughly appearance number 40 of 60 or so–it would become tiresome, repetitive. I couldn’t have been more wrong …”

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