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Category: Life and Death Matters

Robert Baldwin to Address Annual Witness to Innocence Convention

Robert Baldwin, author of Life and Death Matters: Seeking the Truth About Capital Punishment, will speak at the closing ceremony of the Witness to Innocence annual convention in Birmingham, Alabama on November 15. Dr. Baldwin’s talk, entitled “How I Changed, How You Can Change Others,” describes his personal spiritual journey — from a belief in the legitimacy and social value of execution to his present-day position that the practice is morally and socially wrong …

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Robert Baldwin Continues Life and Death Matters Events

Robert Baldwin continues his busy schedule of speaking engagements in connection with the recent publication of his memoir Life and Death Matters: Seeking the Truth About Capital Punishment. On April 22 the author will be a featured presenter at Canterbury United Methodist Church in Birmingham, AL, where he will speak on the topic, “What it Means to Say ‘Yes’ to Jesus.” Read more about this upcoming event in the April issue of The Canterburian

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Alabama Arise Features Life and Death Matters in Anti-Death Penalty Lobbying

Dr. Robert Baldwin’s new memoir Life And Death Matters: Seeking the Truth About Capital Punishment, will be given to every state legislator in Alabama on Thursday, February 26 by the organization Alabama Arise as part of their lobbying effort against the death penalty. A note from Rev. Tom Duley, President of the Board, Arise Citizens Policy Project, and Kimble Forrister, State Coordinator, will accompany the book …

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