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BookPage Calls Duff's Fire Ants a “Stimulating Collection”

The book review magazine BookPage has just reviewed Gerald Duff’s new short story collection Fire Ants. Reviewer Harvey Freedenberg calls Fire Ants a “stimulating collection.” From the review: “Calling a short story writer a “Southern writer” inevitably conjures up images of giants like Flannery O’Connor and Eudora Welty. While Gerald Duff hasn’t reached that eminence, his collection Fire Ants is a fine addition to the genre” …

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Howard Ball Praises Steve Suitts's Hugo Black Biography in Alabama Review

Historian and political scientist Howard Ball has reviewed Steve Suitts’s Hugo Black of Alabama for the Alabama Review. In his review, Ball calls the work “outstanding,” noting that Suitts “has painted a portrait that does not avoid the warts and the impulses; he depicts the good and the bad realistically in this successful effort to give his audience … a clear sense of who Hugo Black was and why he acted the way he did” …

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Billie Jean Young's New Civil Rights Play Performed

“O, Mary, Don’t You Weep,” a new play by writer Bille Jean Young, has recently been performed at the Eutaw Activity Center in Greene County, Alabama. Young, author of Fear Not the Fall from NewSouth Books, is a poet, author, and playwright who’s performed her one-act play “Fannie Lou Hamner: This Little Light” around the word for twenty-five years …

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Ted Dunagan Reflects on Yellow Watermelon Publication

Ted Dunagan, author of the newly-released A Yellow Watermelon from Junebug Books, will be signing his novel this Friday, December 14, at the Monticello News office. Dunagan, author of the Monticello News’s “I’m Fixin’ To” column, wrote the following about having his book published: “I’m fixing to be a published author. Now y’all all know I’m prone to just make up stuff, but this is real as rain” …

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