My Blog

Tom House talks poetry, songwriting with Nashville Byline

Guitarist and songwriter Tom House, author of the poetry collection The World According to Whiskey, sat down with Radley Balko of the Nashville Byline blog to discuss his poetry and play a few songs. House began writing at 17 and moved to Nashville, where he tells Balko that singing got you “free beer, maybe a sandwich.” In addition to The World According to Whiskey, House founded the magazine Raw Bone, has written several poetry and chap books, and recently released a new CD …

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Phil Noble meets Student Freedom Riders in Anniston

Rev. J. Phillips Noble, author of Beyond the Burning Bus: The Civil Rights Revolution in a Southern Town, took part in the fiftieth anniversary of the Freedom Rides this May in Anniston, Alabama, where the 2011 Student Freedom Ride passed through to commemorate the 1961 bus bombing. He reflects on the role the citizens of Anniston played in the celebration, and what the restorative power of forgiveness and respect can do to the town once divided by hate …

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Remembering Kathryn Tucker Windham

We at NewSouth Books were saddened at the passing of our friend and author Kathryn Tucker Windham, who died at her home in Selma yesterday. Mrs. Windham was not only a favored author and storyteller of such works as the “Jeffrey” ghost story series; she was also a groundbreaking journalist (one of Alabama’s first female reporters) and a frequent contributor to NPR. Her latest book was Spit, Scarey Ann, and Sweat Bees: One Thing Leads to Another

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Billie Jean Young wins Women of Distinction Award

NewSouth Books would like to congratulate Billie Jean Young on being selected by the Alabama Department of Education and AT&T for inclusion in the 2011 Alabama African American History Calendar as well as being recognized by the Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama as one of the recipients of the 2011 Women of Distinction Award. Young is the author of Fear Not the Fall, which was published by NewSouth Books. Fear Not the Fall features her play Fanny Lou Hamer: This Little Light

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Alan Gribben talks Twain in Costco Connection, Independent Publisher

Dr. Alan Gribben, editor of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: The NewSouth Edition, discussed the new volume this past month with the Costo Connection and Independent Publisher magazines. Each magazine gave Gribben the opportunity to continue to explain his motivation for releasing the edition, which offers replacements for the racial epithets found in the original text …

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