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Tubby Meets Katrina in the News as New Orleans Commemorates Hurricane Katrina

In its coverage of the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, New Orlean’s Times Picayune newspaper has offered special mention of New Orleans writer Tony Dunbar’s Hurricane Katrina novel Tubby Meets Katrina. In Susan Larson’s article “Wordstorm,” she mentions Tubby Meets Katrina as the first Hurricane Katrina novel; in her article “Read ‘Em and Weep: Looking at the Katrina books, my way,” Larson goes on to recall …

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John Egerton at AJC Decatur Book Festival This Weekend

John Egerton, contributor to NewSouth’s Where We Stand and author of the forthcoming Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves, will appear at the Atlanta Journal Constitution Decatur Book Festival this weekend, September 2 and 3. Egerton will speak on the panel “Tricksters of the New South” with Roy Blount, Jr. and George Singleton, as well as “Writing Around the Edges of Southern Foodways” with John T. Edge and Marcie Cohen Ferris …

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Coasters Author Gerald Duff Offers New Fiction, Novel

As Gerald Duff, NewSouth author of Coasters, prepares for the release of his new novel, Fire Ants, we’re pleased to note a number of his short stories that have been accepted to leading national literary magazines. Additionally, as Duff reports, his work has recently been discussed in three scholarly studies …

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Black Belt civil rights pioneer Hulett passes

John Hulett, the first African American sheriff and later probate judge in Lowndes County, Alabama, has died at age 78. He was a co-founder of the Lowndes County Freedom Organization, whose black panther ballot symbol was later adopted by the founders of the Black Panthers.

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